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A Gift for Pregnancy Help Organizations

For those in-person at Heartbeat International’s 50th Annual Conference, you were privy to a wonderful surprise. Ken Ham, founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis provided not only a Bonus Keynote event on Thursday afternoon, but also a gift for each pregnancy help organization on-site.

The Creation Museum, a project of Answers in Genesis, opened a new exhibit this past fall called “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made.” In it, you walk through the development of a life and are equipped with the answers needed to counter popular arguments for abortion.

Because Answers in Genesis believes in the work of pregnancy help, they provided each organization present at the keynote a “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Kit” to take back to their centers. The kit includes twelve 3D photographs walking through each stage of development within the womb, an exhibit teaching book, journal, and a Fearfully & Wonderfully Made DVD.


For those not on-site, you are not forgotten.

Answers in Genesis will be sending one of the kits to each Heartbeat-affiliated pregnancy help organization (primary location) within the United States as a special gift to thank you for the great work you do. These tools should help equip you further in this life-saving message of hope.

We are all in this together, called to advance a culture of life and communicate the truth to combat the cultural worldview we so often encounter in today’s world. Together, we can do it!

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. (Psalm 139:13-14)