Coming to Birmingham, AL April 30-May 2, 2025, the Heartbeat International Annual Conference is an amazing opportunity to meet, greet, and interact with 1,500+ frontline workers in the pregnancy help community!

At this time, we have sold out of exhibit spaces. Please complete the interest form to be considered as we explore additional space options. 

There are additional marketing options beyond exhibiting in person that you can consider, such as literature packets or program book ads.

Literature Packet Insert - $299.00  |  1/​2 page Program Book Ad - $399.00  |  Full page Program Book Ad - $699.00  |  
30-second Conference Commercial (General Session & Virtual) - $2,499.00  |  30-second Virtual Conference Commercial - $999.00

Register for these marketing opportunities below.

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Thank you to our Sponsors!

Our Annual Conference is one of the largest pregnancy help conferences in this world and provides quality education and networking opportunities for leaders in the pregnancy help community. We know that the products and services that you provide help strengthen the mighty work of our affiliates. Being at the Heartbeat Conference either on-site or virtually allows you the opportunity to reconnect with current customers and establish relationships with new ones!

By participating in one of the largest pregnancy help conferences in the world, you expand your reach to equip those on the frontlines of pregnancy help. It is because of our Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Marketing Partners that we can keep training costs low for those working directly with women so they can be as effective as possible within their ministries.

Exhibiting In-Person and Virtually

In addition to getting access to over 1,500 leaders and decision-makers in the pregnancy help community, exhibiting at the Annual Conference comes with many more benefits! As part of your exhibitor registration, all your exhibit staff will get access to our Conference App. Through this app, you can instantly gather leads by scanning a QR code on attendee name badges. This allows you to focus on making connections, rather than worrying about writing down contact information!

With your In-Person Exhibit, you will have all the perks of the on-site Conference in addition to your customizable Virtual Exhibit Space within the Conference App. This allows you access to our Virtual Conference attendees as well, increasing your reach to both audiences. You can also capitalize on the learning opportunities within the Virtual Conference, which remains live for 21 days post-conference. 

For those unable to join us in person, we've included a Virtual-Only Exhibit option as well. This allows you to connect with both the In-Person and Virtual attendees and have a presence throughout the conference via the Virtual Platform and app. You can showcase videos, and brochures, answer questions, and host giveaways through your Virtual Exhibit Space. 

Faithful Friends

Exhibitors who have loyally exhibited in person at the last 5 consecutive conferences (at least!) are considered by Heartbeat as a Faithful Friend. As such, we provide exclusive opportunities for our Faithful Friends when registering to exhibit at the Heartbeat International Annual Conference.

Marketing Options

Beyond a physical exhibit, we offer a variety of marketing opportunities to promote your products and services. During registration, you will notice a list of additional opportunities to maximize your presence at the Conference. Some of these include Program Ads, Conference Commercials, Literature Packet Inserts, and so much more!

Who Attends the Heartbeat Conference?

Heartbeat’s Annual Conference is designed for ministry leaders, staff, board members, and volunteers of life-affirming pregnancy help centers, medical clinics, maternity homes, and non-profit adoption agencies, as well as professionals in the areas of medicine, counseling, social work, and education.  

  • Pregnancy Center Leadership
  • Pregnancy Medical Clinic Leadership
  • Maternity Home Leadership
  • Non-Profit Adoption Agency Representatives
  • Medical & Health Care Professionals
  • Volunteers
  • Board Members
  • Pro-life community members

Conference Exhibit Costs

  • Standard Space - $699
  • Upgrade Space - $899
  • Virtual Only - $499

We have sponsorships available as well, starting at $5,000.

If you are not available to join us on-site this year and still want to participate, we have marketing options available: 

  • Literature Packet Insert - $299.00
  • 1/​2 page Program Book Ad - $399.00
  • Full page Program Book Ad - $699.00
  • 30-second Commercial (General Session & Virtual) - $2,499.00
  • 30-second Virtual Conference Commercial - $999.00

Conference Location

Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC)
2101 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N,
Birmingham, AL 35203

Room Block Information coming soon.

Dates to Keep in Mind

April 29: Exhibitor Move-In and Registration
April 30-May2: Exhibit Hall Open
May 2: Exhibitor Move-Out

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Heartbeat International's Annual Conference is a great opportunity to share innovative solutions to handle long-standing, familiar issues for the pro-life pregnancy help community. We hope to see you there!