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Angela and Arrington

Angela’s Story

Arrington—June 25, 2018

Arrington smAngela is a highly-educated woman and mother of two. With her marriage ending and her divorce in the works, she developed a relationship with a new man and became pregnant. Upon sharing the news with her boyfriend, he became angry and disappeared.

While perceived by many as a strong, successful woman, Angela felt very alone and scared. Angela chose abortion for her child.

After taking the abortion pill, she immediately regretted her decision. Through the grace of God, she found Heartbeat’s Abortion Pill Rescue Network. Angela confided in her ex-husband who promised that if the reversal worked, he would help her support the baby. “We picked up the progesterone and the rest is history. It was the best decision ever,” Angela said.

Not only did the reversal protocol save baby Arrington’s life, but this moment also saved the relationship of Angela and her ex-husband!

“One year later I can reflect on how much my life has changed, but I do not regret any bit of it. I got my baby and the ex-husband and I are planning to get married again. Happy endings all around!”