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2018 European Pregnancy Help Summit



Pregnancy help heroes are championing life every day across the European landscape. The venues for such life-affirming efforts vary from telephone/email/hotline/and online to actual office space.  The daily, compassionate outreach to women and men dealing with an unexpected pregnancy is affected by but far removed from the political wrangling. Those called to this work are facing great challenges in answering the call to save and defend life. We invite all pregnancy help workers, and especially leaders, to gather together to share information and understanding as well as to gain insight from others. 

Who should attend?  Anyone involved in life-affirming pregnancy help – direct service to women facing an unexpected pregnancy – is welcome. 

Along with plenary sessions that will inspire and inform, there will be breakout forums on vital topics that challenge all pregnancy help efforts – issues on leadership, fundraising, client care and the use of technology to more effectively reach clients and donors. These breakouts will be participatory in nature; as you plan which ones to attend, please come prepared to share your knowledge and experience as well. 

English will be the primary language for plenary sessions and breakout facilitation.


2018 European Pregnancy Help Summit


What: Pregnancy Help Summit for anyone involved in life-affirming pregnancy help across Europe.

When: 17-19 October 2018

  • 17 October: Registration opens at 1700 with the evening introduction and plenary session at 1800, followed by dinner. 
  • 18 OctoberAll Day Summit
  • 19 October: The Summit schedule finishes with lunch on Friday for ease of travel that afternoon. 

Where: The Crystal Hotel, Belgrade, Serbia 

Click here to download a printable European Pregnancy Help Conference flyer.

Heartbeat International, the largest pregnancy help network in the world with affiliates on every populated continent, is pleased to sponsor this Europe-focused conference in recognition of the importance of growing relationships among all pregnancy help leaders. Pregnancy help leaders can find out more about Heartbeat at