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Forging a God-Sized Vision

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by Jor-El Godsey, Heartbeat International Vice President 

Both the Old and New Testaments declare the importance of vision. In his first sermon (Acts 2) the Apostle Peter quotes the Word of the Lord to the Old Testament prophet Joel, “That I will pour forth of my spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams...”

Notice, Joel uses “vision” in the plural. The Lord inspires many visions—both corporate and individual. Jehovah inspired the nation of Israel (corporate) and the call of the prophet (individual). Jesus gave the apostles a vision for the work of the church (corporate) He was birthing, and also a vision for those who would lead it (individuals).

Visions are God-sized. Almost by definition, a vision should be so expansive, even audacious, that it will take more than just you to accomplish. Want a quick way to test your vision? Ask yourself if it’s something you can fulfill on your own. If it is, it’s not big enough to be God-sized!

A vision must be something that draws us in, while drawing many others—even partnering organizations—because the goal is, well, so visionary!

Once we understand the vision the Lord is calling us to, we must be sure to write it down. Again, our guide in this is an Old Testament prophet: “Then the Lord answered and said, ‘Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run.’” (Habakkuk 2:2).

Forging the vision into a statement is a spiritual and practical exercise that will serve to guide today and into the future. A vision should be captured in key organizational documents, to inspire and frame efforts moving forward.

Be careful that your Vision Statement does not describe your vision for your organization (strong, healthy, more offices, a medical clinic, an abstinence program, etc.). Rather, it is your vision for the world/community that you live in, or for life change of the members of that community. Because your community does not now look like your vision, there is definitely a need for the work God has called you and your organization to do!

God-sized vision inspires God-sized provision to see that vision realized. Sometimes, the vision is so big we can’t imagine it fulfilled in our lifetime. Our friends, Joel and Habakkuk, experienced this, but stayed faithful to their call.

Our legacy will include how well we inspired others to this God-sized task.