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A Father's Day tribute to a real-life hero

Heroes. Some fly. Some run. Some even swim. But we think we are related to the best superhero on the planet. That hero is our Dad. We’d like to share how he compares to a few super heroes you may already know:

  • Just as Superman flies around the world, our Dad flies globally to encourage and promote respect for life.
  • He’s similar to Flash because as he travels he gets to the airport gates fast!
  • Just as Green Lantern’s power source is his ring with a will to press on, our Dad’s power source is his commitment to God and life.
  • Like Green Arrow is a sharp shooter, our Dad is a fluent writer.
  • As Batman always has the right tools, so our Dad usually finds the right resources to get the job done.
  • Just as Martian Manhunter shape-shifts, our Dad is able to adjust to his environment.
  • Just as Thor can wield the hammer to fight any enemy, our Dad uses the Sword of the Spirit to fight through challenges.
  • Just as Spiderman scales walls, our Dad climbs to the top to help lead and train the next pro-life generation.
  • Just as Hulk is incredible, our Dad is marvelous.
  • Just as most heroes fall in love, we know our Dad loves his wife and children!

We can compare our Dad to many superheroes, but he is in a category all his own! We think his job gives him the chance to impact many lives for God’s Kingdom, even some he will never meet here on earth. His job also gives us an opportunity to share about life when others ask us what our Dad does.

We love you, Dad!

By Kara and Joel Godsey, children of Jor-El Godsey, Vice President of Heartbeat International. Note: This article was submitted and published as a Father’s Day gift to Jor-El, without his prior knowledge.