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In Their Own Words: Movimento per la Vita

by Andrea Tosato and Giovanna Sedde

Movimento per la Vita Italiano is the main prolife reality [network] in Italy. With more than 300 pregnancy help centers and over 60 maternity homes in the whole country, they offer everyday a substantial help to women that are facing a difficult or unexpected pregnancy. Most of their clients reach them through an online chat and a phone number, SOS Vita: an emergency line ( and 800 31000) available 7/7 days and 24/24 hours. Collateral to these, they organize meetings to spread the culture of life, especially among the youth population. For them, each year, they realize a contest, Premio Internazionale A. Solinas, based on a dossier on which youth from schools and universities need to make an elaborate [presentation] focusing on the main bioethics’ issues. In the past years, the first [prize] winner won the participation to the Heartbeat International Annual Conference.

MPV has a strong and enthusiastic group of young people, the “Equipe giovani”, that organize meetings all over Italy, involving friends and schools.

Particular attention at MPV is given to communication and to define a precise style: every volunteer is trained to be effective and to be welcoming and offer the love that people in need deserve. MPV has a website, different social network, an e-learning program and… 10.000 people who work every day on the side of the women and unborn. Thanks to these numbers and instruments they can help women and save an average of 8.000 babies from abortion!

“We like to see ourselves as a family: most of us are volunteers that have in common the love for life. A family that has no borders: we are very grateful for the friendship and the support of Heartbeat International and all their affiliates: they give us always new ideas, willing to do better and a hand is always ready for when we are in need.”

Dr. Giuseppe Grande, Secretary General of MPV, has a few words of his own to share below!

Greetings from MPV!