This month we are highlighting Tammy Stearns, one of our Ultrasound Consultants. Tammy brings love and encouragement to our team, as well as to the many pregnancy help medical professionals she teaches the skill of ultrasound. Tammy and her family have a heart for the world and for all to come to know and love Jesus! It is a blessing to us all to witness the many ways God uses Tammy to bring light to the darkness.
Where did you grow up and go to school?
I grew up in a tiny town called Pontiac, Missouri located on Bull Shoals Lake. I went to college, Radiology and Ultrasound School in Columbia, MO and Springfield, MO. I have a Master’s in Administrative Studies with an emphasis in Communication, along with being credentialed in Radiologic Technology, and Abdominal, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vascular Technology, Pediatrics and Neurosonography.
Share with us about your family.
I married my high school sweetheart 32 years ago. We have four children. A son who is 30. He and his wife live in Houston TX. Our daughter, Taellor, passed away in 2014 at the age of 19 in the mission field with us. Our two younger boys are Antonio (14) and Slaton (13) who both serve on the mission field with us in Nicaragua.
Tell us about what brought you to Heartbeat International.
I had the privilege to work with Cindi Boston at her Pregnancy Center in Springfield, MO launching her medical mobile unit. While there, I also helped train some of the nurses given that my background is a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Educator. When Cindi came to work for HBI, the opportunity presented itself for me to join the team to develop a Limited Obstetrical Educational Program for nurses.
What ministries are you involved in?
My family and I serve as full-time missionaries in Nicaragua. We moved there in 2012 to serve with Project HOPE. I am the Director of Women’s Ministries with a feeding center in the city dump called Center of Hope, UnShackled. This is a place that offers restoration and redemption to ladies coming out of prostitution along with serving women in the jails and hospitals. I also perform ultrasound exams with our ministry’s physician.
What do you enjoy most about your role as Ultrasound Consultant for Heartbeat International?
I love being part of something so much bigger than myself! God has put together an incredible team whose focus is to share life through imagery. I love being able to come alongside those trying to learn ultrasound to image life and getting to be an encourager in their journey.
What do you love most about ultrasound?
I love when mom sees her baby for the very first time. Each and every time there is a sense of wonder when we see what God is knitting in the mother’s womb. I never get tired of that!
Tell us about sharing your love of ultrasound with new nurses in the Pregnancy Help setting.
I love when it begins to make sense. You can tell when someone is worried or concerned about not understanding it. We then find a different way to explain and teach the method or technique and watch the moment of awareness that every teacher teaches for. For some, it clicks faster than others and that is okay as we each have our own journey and our own process. God always equips who He calls.
What are your favorite things to do?
I love to serve. I love to play with the kids at the city dump or hang out with the ladies from our outreaches. I love spending time with my family exploring the world. In my quiet time, I love to read and write.
What else would you like to share?
It is such a privilege to be able to do ultrasounds. I’m thankful for the technology and the resources that allow us to image life literally bringing Light to the darkness.
This month we are highlighting Ashley Vance, one of our Healthcare Team Managers. Ashley assists our affiliates with medical questions and oversees the Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline. Before joining the Medical Impact Team almost three years ago, Ashley served as an Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline Consultant. Ashley also brings a background of Medical Surgical Nursing to the Medical Impact Team. If you speak with Ashley, you will be blessed with wisdom, encouragement, and inspiration in your work within the pregnancy help community!
Where did you grow up and go to school?
I grew up in northern Alberta. I left my hometown in the last year of high school where I moved to British Columbia and pursued my nursing career. I completed my nursing degree through Athabasca University.
Share with us about your family.
I am blessed to come from an extremely tight knit Christian family. I have one brother and I call my mom my best friend! I have a family of my own with my lovely husband and we have two small children, plus another one on the way set to arrive January 2022!
Tell us about what brought you to Heartbeat International.
Well, that is a God thing! I felt so strongly in my last year of nursing school that I wanted to join the prolife movement and have God use me in whatever way I was needed. I reached out locally and through my church but never heard back. Doubt crept in and I began to wonder if I was wanting to do something that didn’t actually exist! However, I could never shake the feeling of the call God placed on my heart so I started to do research and every time I kept coming back to the same name- Heartbeat International. I learned about Abortion Pill Reversal and was desperately eager to join! However, being Canadian I assumed that wouldn’t be possible so I reached out to see if anyone could connect me with a Canadian contact. To my surprise they let me know that they were looking for hotline nurses and the opportunity was open to me as well. I was SO excited! Along with being a mother, working for Heartbeat has been the biggest honor, joy and blessing of my life!
Share with us about your experiences sharing APR with others through presentations.
Public speaking and presentations are the biggest areas of growth that I have experienced in my career. It’s so humbling for me to speak in front of other prolife individuals because I deeply admire and respect them! With the guidance, support, and prayers of Christa Brown I have learned so much about this extremely important skill- Spreading the word about the APR mission! Every presentation I have done has connected me with others in the movement and strengthened my understanding of the many other life affirming roles as well.
Tell us about how you offer assistance to affiliates within their pregnancy help centers.
We offer assistance to affiliates in whatever capacity it is needed. That could be establishing medical services, information on STI testing, adding APR or how to find a medical director. For example, during the onset of Covid-19 we worked quickly to ensure we could assist pregnancy centers with policies and insights in a rapidly changing landscape. We work diligently to make sure we provide affiliates with the most up to date and in-depth information available.
Tell us about your experiences helping clients on the APR Hotline and now overseeing the Hotline as one of the Healthcare Team Managers.
My time on the hotline was where I fell in love with the mission. I remember my first shift so well and the feeling of my first call- I was so nervous but so grateful that I had the opportunity to speak with someone in the midst of a pregnancy crisis and share the good news: There are people out there that have no judgement for you, only love and that help is available. This line of work is hard, I’ve shed happy tears and sad ones alone in my office, but every second has been worth it! Now as a manager I work closely with the nurses, and I have seen the network grow in so many ways. It’s been an absolute blessing to witness!
Tell us about working on the Medical Impact Team.
In my eyes the Medical Impact Team is its own family. We are bonded by a love of women, the unborn, family and medical science. We have a unique role within Heartbeat where we oversee the APR hotline, nurse consultants, answer affiliate questions and assist with ultrasound training. There is always more to learn and it’s very fulfilling!
What do you enjoy the most about your work?
My favorite thing (and this is harder than one might think to choose!) is seeing God in details. He really comes through, and often in the most surprising of ways for these women. Sometimes it’s through a Provider willing to see a client after hours on a holiday, sometimes it’s a pharmacy that is open a few minutes late which allows a client to get started on the Progesterone in the middle of the night. Most often it’s in the courage He gives these women to reach out and find us. He whispers into their heart that there is a way out, a second chance available. Witnessing the ways they find us and hearing their stories gives me tremendous respect for these women that fight so hard to fix a decision that they regret and to now save the life of their precious unborn baby.
What are your favorite things to do outside of work?
Outside of work I enjoy slow days drinking coffee on my front porch surrounded by family! I love books, current events, horses, and good conversations with loved ones.
What else would you like to share?
How much we value and pray for the many Pregnancy Centers and prolife ministries around the world! We see how deeply you care and love for these women. None of your hard work goes unnoticed. It’s a true honor to serve alongside all of you!
Sometimes, a dose of hope and medicine is enough to set a life—or two—back in motion.
When Emily S. of Huntington, California, found out she was pregnant, at first, to her, hope looked like an abortion.
Only twenty-two years old and raising a six-year-old daughter alone, Emily saw the prospect of having another child as overwhelming, especially amid a pandemic and so much uncertainty. In fact, it felt impossible.
Little did she know, she not only had the support of her family, but also a community pregnancy help organization ready to serve her and Blessings International’s commitment to provide long before the hour of need. But she just couldn’t see it.
All she could see was a quick fix.
And so, without anyone’s knowledge, she sought out a chemical abortion.
The next day, she was having lunch with her uncle when she mentioned what she had done. All her uncle could say was, “But, Emily, why?”
“I just couldn’t do it.” So much tension had been released by simply telling someone. She could now feel the tears threatening. “I couldn’t raise another kid alone. I just couldn’t…”
In the moments that followed, as her uncle put his hand on her shoulder and promised that Emily would always have his support as well as her mom’s, everything that was lined up and ready to save a life, began to fall into place.
Picking up her phone with shaking hands, Emily found the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline and was directed to a local pregnancy center that had just received their Blessings International shipment of progesterone.
Now the only question that remained was whether there was still time.
As soon as Emily arrived at the clinic, staff members performed an ultrasound. Sure enough, the baby was alive.
There were only a couple of bottles of progesterone on the pharmacy shelf, but once in Emily’s hands, it was all that was needed. The progesterone therapy came just in time, and when Emily returned within a week, the next ultrasound showed that the baby was well and growing quickly.
Whether hope looks like a promise or a bottle of progesterone, the biggest blessings often come in small doses. Thankfully for Emily and her baby, her dose of hope came at just the right time, in just the right form.
To learn more about Blessings International and how they supply pregnancy centers across the United States with progesterone, essential medicines, prenatal vitamins, and medical supplies geared toward pregnancy centers, visit and ask about the 40% discount and free shipping.
To refer someone to the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline, visit or call 1-877-558-0333. There is a hotline with nurses available 24/7 to assist women who are seeking reversal. This team refers to more than 1,000 providers in the Abortion Pill Rescue Network, including the pregnancy center that helped this young woman, that provide hope for those seeking to reverse their chemical abortion.
This month we are highlighting Lisa Searle, one of our Healthcare Team Managers. Lisa assists our affiliates with medical questions and oversees the Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline. Before joining the Medical Impact Team almost two years ago, she served for two years as an Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline Consultant. Lisa brings to our team 19 years of nursing experience with four of those years spent serving within her local pregnancy help center. She brings so much wisdom to our team and is always willing to offer education and assistance to advance the pregnancy help community. We count ourselves blessed to have her on the team!
Where did you grow up and go to school?
I grew up in the heart of eastern North Carolina. Goldsboro is a little town known for pigs, pickles, and planes. Goldsboro is home to the Seymour Johnson Airforce Base. Mount Olive Pickle Company is not too far from town. You will find some of the best Eastern North Carolina BBQ as you drive through headed to the coast which is only two hours away. Barton College is in Wilson, North Carolina. I attended Barton College and earned my nursing degree.
Share with us about your family.
My husband and I are celebrating 17 years of marriage this month. God has blessed us with two children, Costin, 16 years old and Asher, 9 years old. We share our home with two dogs Izzy and Sarge, our crazy kitty Petunia Butterfly, two African Dwarf Frogs, Bobby and Chunky, as well as Karen, the snail.
What was your favorite part of helping clients in the pregnancy center?
Spending time with the abortion-minded client is what I love to do.
Getting to know her, building trust to form a lasting relationship. I enjoy providing abortion education, introducing the client to her baby during her first ultrasound and guiding her down a path of life-affirming choices.
Tell us about what brought you to Heartbeat International.
While working in the pregnancy center I learned about Abortion Pill Rescue Network and was encouraged by my peers to join the team of nurse consultants. I worked as a nurse consultant for two years prior to becoming a part of the Medical Impact Team. I accepted the position of Nurse Manager with Heartbeat International in November 2019.
Tell us about your experiences sharing APR with others through presentations.
Educating the community on how to help a woman who is desperately seeking to reverse her abortion is life-changing and the impact goes beyond what we can predict. The audience is receptive and amazed at how this treatment works. Likewise, I stand in awe at what God has given us—a treatment that can give women a second chance at choice! It really is amazing.
Tell us about your experiences helping clients on the APR Hotline and now overseeing the Hotline as one of the Healthcare Team Managers.
There are currently four Healthcare Team Managers who rotate through the hotline schedule. We each oversee the hotline one week out of the month. The hotline consists of 34 nurse consultants, 3 Nurse Advocates, and a total of 42 shifts per week. The days are tough. We experience spiritual warfare, and the battles are difficult.
Our team believes in the mission of APRN. We are strong in faith and have been called to this position for such a time as this. We fight to save the lives of babies and to protect women and families from the pain of abortion. The devil attempts to deceive and divide but we stand firm that the devil will never win. Our faith in God, our leadership, and our commitment to each other get us through the toughest days. Oversight week is one of the most exhausting weeks, but it is also full of rewards. Making a difference in the lives of women, children, and families makes it worth every second.
Tell us about working on the Medical Impact Team.
Educating Pregnancy Help Organizations on how to best meet the needs of their community is important. I enjoy helping organizations develop medical policy and procedures that will allow them to be successful when faced with an unplanned pregnancy, abortion, STI, and disruption of sexual integrity within their community.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
I love educating people and I get to do it often here at Heartbeat International. Whether I am teaching the abortion-minded client about reversal or the Pregnancy Help Center about starting medical services, I am sharing useful information that can be used to make the world a little better.
What are your favorite things to do outside of work?
Visiting the beach and spending time with friends and family is great self-care for me. You can find me on the dock enjoying God’s beautiful creation.
What is something else you would like to share?
When I was 13 years old, I discovered my love for Women’s Health while volunteering as a Candy Striper in the Labor and Delivery Unit of the local hospital. As a young nursing student, I took a job in an abortion clinic because of my desire to help women and to also increase my knowledge in Gynecology. The time spent in the abortion clinic revealed a painful truth about abortion but most of all has given me an undying passion to protect the preborn and those affected by abortion. After leaving the abortion clinic, I went on to enjoy a successful career in obstetrical nursing. Prior to joining the team at Heartbeat International, I spent four years as a nurse manager of a Pregnancy Center where I was given the support I needed to begin my healing journey. I am grateful to God for his grace and mercy and for giving purpose to my past.
by Brooke Myrick BSN, RN, LAS
“With zero hesitation I called the number and was answered by a very kind, helpful and empathetic representative who listened to my concern. She was so caring and really helped me feel a great sense of hope. She handled my call with genuine care, but urgency, as she explained that the agency would locate an APR provider in my area who would be able to administer the progesterone and provide me with special and closely monitored maternity care.
"I felt a calm come over me that I was in the right vein where God wanted me to be and to just trust that He is now in control of the situation! God gave me the name Serenity Grace and I believe she brings just that to my life in a very deep and meaningful way! With His help, guidance, inner healing, love, and goodness I made it to FULL TERM. At 39 weeks on January 27, 2021, my miracle baby arrived!” - Kayla, APR Client
These are the stories that bring APR to life! Statistics now show that more than 2,500 lives have been saved (and counting) as women successfully stop their chemical abortions and save their children through the Abortion Pill Rescue Network.
A woman who would like to learn more about reversing the effects of chemical abortion and possibly continuing her pregnancy should call the Abortion Pill Rescue hotline 877.558.0333 or go to the APR website to begin a live chat. Heartbeat International has medical professionals waiting to answer her questions, explain reversal, and connect her with an APR Network Provider in her area 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
While Google may have taken down the ability to advertise for APR, website, phone, and chat are still available and can be found organically through a search. We continue to be available for women. We need your help now more than ever to promote this life-saving protocol.
To receive an APR Provider Kit or for additional information, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.