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Protecting Your Online Reputation

by Extend Web ServicesEWSLearnMore

As you work to save lives from abortion and empower women to make positive choices today, you may find yourself under attack. 

With the current climate surrounding the abortion debate and Roe v. Wade hanging in the balance, these attacks come as no surprise.

As our team continues to keep an eye out for what Big Abortion is doing, we've found that there has been a renewed effort lately to encourage negative reviews of pregnancy help organizations from abortion advocates. 

We've had several customers contact us for assistance in removing negative online reviews that don't reflect the experience of actual clients. After all, pregnancy centers have higher rates of customer satisfaction than Chick-fil-A.

Here are a couple of questions you may have:

What does this mean?
These reviews are nothing new or unheard of. Pro-abortionists have used negative online reviews for years in attempts to discredit pregnancy help organizations. That said, while we thought you should know about this today, there have been relatively few reviews compared to previous campaigns. 

What should be done about false negative reviews?
There are things you can do to protect your reputation online. Pregnancy help organizations like yours cannot be a bystander in the digital age of reaching women online. The same tools and resources available to you can either help or hurt you. Here are a couple of things you can do if you do encounter these attempts to discredit your work.

  1. Compensate. Negative reviews are likely to happen, whether they are legitimate or fake. Regardless of their validity, the best way to minimize their adverse effect is to overwhelm them with positive reviews. Get as many positive reviews from as many legitimate sources as you possibly can. These sources can be clients, donors, volunteers, or anyone outside of your staff and board members who’ve had a positive experience with your center. These reviews should be posted in the most prominent locations online (Yelp, Google, Yahoo, Facebook).
  2. Consider a removal request. If the reviews are made by people who clearly have never visited your organization, there have been instances of those reviews being removed by the platform they are on. If you find a negative review, you may be able to request its removal from the platform. If you do choose to attempt this, make sure you point out exactly why the review goes against whatever community standards or policies the platform has in place.

And remember, whether you are an Extend customer or not, we are here for you! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns about how to deal with fake reviews. 

We also want to make you aware of some helpful tools offered by Heartbeat International:

We encourage you to continue fighting the good fight everywhere your clients - and especially future clients - may be, which includes online. 

It's an honor to partner with you. Thank you for ALL you do!