Heartbeat Academy
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Abortion and Reversal - Which is Safe Healthcare?

Presented by Dr. Catherine Stark
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.00 contact hour.


Abortion in 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has generated change in abortion access. Abortion in 2021 presents with a no-test protocol and the absence of a physical clinic. The shift in how abortion is executed relies on modern care models that prove abortion is not healthcare. Join me as we review the history of abortion, explore the present-day expansion of abortion access and what this means for the clients we serve in the pregnancy help organization. Presented by: Lisa Searle


Abortion is Not Healthcare

The abortion industry fights against any requirement or expectation that it conduct itself in ways that meet the standards by which all of legitimate medicine is measured. This seminar will examine this issue, and will present data on improvements seen in maternal-child health in other countries when abortion has been outlawed.


Abortion Minded Caller

This is a recorded presentation on the abortion minded client, particularly, the abortion minded caller. This presentation offers one hour of credit toward the Life Affirming Specialist designation.


Abortion Pill Rescue Network Training

In this training bundle, you'll receive access to five core trainings that will provide your organization with a strong understanding of the Abortion Pill Reversal protocol. 


Abortion Pill Rescue Network: What PHOs Need to Know (Parts 1-3)

This teaching will provide the tools and information needed to become part of the Abortion Pill Rescue Network and to effectively assist women who have started chemical abortion and are experiencing regret. 

Presented by Christa Brown, Lisa Searle, Dr. George Delgado, and Dr. Robert Snyder.



Abortion Pill Reversal Post-Roe

The goal of this workshop is to give attendees an update on abortion pill reversal including its increased importance in the era of mail order and telemedicine abortion. Presented by George Delgado, M.D.


Abortion Pill Reversal: A Second Chance at Choice

Get an overview of mifepristone abortions and the possibility of reversing them with progesterone, as well as how the well-publicized Creinin article actually supports abortion pill reversal rather than indicating it is unsafe. Presented By: George Delgado, MD


Abortion Pill Reversal: The Science, The Strategy, & The Opposition

This recorded webinar offers 1.0 contact hours for nurses who meet all requirements. Heartbeat International is an approved provider through the California Board of Nursing, Provider Number 16061.

Presented by Dr. C. Brent Boles, MD, Medical Director of APRN Services, Heartbeat International


Abortion Procedures Information for Pregnancy Help Organizations

This training offers credit for nurse. CA BON provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for one contact hour.




Abortion's Long-Term Negative Impact on Men

1 hr webinar presented by Greg Mayo, Support After Abortion


Abortion-Minded Client Stampede

Teach how any center with an ultrasound, can book an extra 20-50 ABM clients every month. Learn how one center maintains a 46% ABM rate and your center can too! Presented by: Frank McGuire
