Heartbeat Academy
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Volunteer Recruitment, Management and Communication

Pregnancy Help Centers are unique organizations that require volunteers who are uniquely called to this ministry. Volunteers traditionally make up a bulk of the "staffing" needs at pregnancy centers, and thus need to tended to well. Many centers has fallen victim to having "warm bodies" in the organization for the sake of having volunteers but have suffered as as a result poor planning, communication and intentionality. Unicorn volunteers do exist! Presented by: Kathleen Richard


Websites that Reach Target Clients

Learn best strategies on developing your Pregnancy Help Organization websites (Client and Supporter!) to best reach your targeted audience. Gain information on how to keep your website updated to attract those you are trying to target. Presented by: Jennifer Breymaier; Christy Poloni


Welcoming Him: A Team Effort

Presented by Alexander Hettinga, Care Net, Fatherhood and Family Program Manager


What Came First…the Donor or the Volunteer?

Volunteer and donor programs are not breakthrough ideas by themselves; however, combining the two may be the breakthrough idea that your organization needs in order to enhance your awareness and brand within your community. This workshop is designed to introduce the idea of marrying donor development and volunteer recruitment and engagement to build relationships that in turn raise funds and create vital partners for your ministry. Presented by Emily Ratliff and Megan Matthews


What Choices Do Our Clients Still Have?

In a Post-Dobbs era, there is a narrative that women no longer have choice or alternatives to parenting. This workshop will help participants understand the variety of life giving choices women have from temporary care, safe haven, adoption, and foster care. We will walk through finding all the different options available to your area and how to partner with those organizations to best serve women. Presented by Christie Mac Segars, LICSW


What if They Don't Like Me?

The goal of this workshop is to learn how to lead your team without fear. We also will discuss thinking through new ideas for your center and not being afraid to move forward with them. Presented by Lauren Robinson


What You Need to Know About Domestic Violence

Broaden your understanding of domestic violence and abuse to help you better serve your clients. In this session, we'll cover what every pregnancy help worker needs to know about domestic violence. We'll take a look at practical tools that provide helpful care to the clients you serve, and discuss methods and behaviors to avoid when working with potential victims of domestic violence.


What You Need to Know about HR in Your Organization

From recruiting and hiring talent, to developing your staff and fostering sound people practices, we'll address hot topics in managing your staff, as well as the legal cautions associated with each. We will also provide any timely legislative updates and address the HR challenges you’re facing.

Presented by: Betsy Wetherby


When They Are No Longer Under Your Roof: Phase 2 Housing

This training includes a brief presentation outlining the types of support that housing programs are offering for women as an ongoing and transitional extension of their work. In addition, the webinar will include time for dialogue on types of initiatives that programs have used to maintain relationship with women after they have left the home.


When They Are No Longer Under Your Roof: Phase 2 Housing

This training includes a brief presentation outlining the types of support that housing programs are offering for women as an ongoing and transitional extension of their work. In addition, the webinar will include time for dialogue on types of initiatives that programs have used to maintain relationship with women after they have left the home.


When You're In Over Your Head

This is a presentation for “people helpers” - those who minister to the public. The goal is to help these helpers recognize symptoms that indicate they are in over their heads. It covers the disorders and entanglements they might face in this capacity and what to do if they are faced with this. It is not to diagnose or to teach clinical research but rather for them to see the warning signs and extricate themselves if necessary. Presented by Dinah Monahan


When Your Back is Against the Wall

Presented by Kirk Walden, Flipping Faith
