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The God-Sized Hole

by Leslie Malek, Heartbeat Editor

As a child, there is never enough fun.  As a youth, there is never enough challenge or excitement.  In work, there is never enough success or money.  And the weekends are always too short!  My sister used to say, “We’re all trying to fill the existential void.”

No matter how much of the “good life” we throw into this hollowness, it’s never enough.  Why did God create us with this hole?

Well, because God needs a God-sized hole!  God, the infinite, all-powerful, eternal Creator of all things, gave each of us this God-sized hole that only He can fill.  And fill it He will, “packed down and overflowing!” (Luke 6:37-42).  This infinite, eternal gift is His very own Love.

Left to ourselves, with our puny desires and tiny purses, we could never respond to the gift that God will lavish on those who love Him.  “My heart is restless until it rests in Thee,” is how St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354 – 430 AD) put it.

God even gave us instructions on how to let Him fill our hollowed lives and He sent us His Son to show us the way to a truly hallowed life.

From Take Heart | Vol. 2, Issue 5