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Those Who Are With Us Are More

by Jor-El Godsey, Heartbeat International PresidentThoseWithUS

It can feel like the walls are closing in when major influencers from Big Corporations to state politicians to Hollywood celebrities to presidential candidates rise up in unison against pro-lifers engaging the culture. From every corner of our secular culture, and even from the so-called social justice community, comes shrill allegations (fake news), death-demanding boycotts, and ever more increasing incidents of violent aggression.

Even the pregnancy help community – the compassionate, grassroots outreach to help women in unexpected pregnancies – has been the target of renewed protests, digital attacks, and punishing legislative threats.

It seems we’re surrounded by powerful enemies that have the ability to overrun our efforts, turn back our gains, and defeat our life-saving actions. (I note here that the people involved are not our “enemy,” but our opposition. They make themselves enemies by aligning with the true enemy of our souls.)

But a little story buried in the 2 Kings 6. Elisha’s servant arises one morning (v 15) “and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city.”

The “army” today comes in the guise of Big Tech protecting the abortion industry profits and censoring pro-life voices. The “army” that surrounds us includes so-called “family friendly” corporate conglomerates leveraging purchasing power to punish pro-life states. The “army” that marches against us is lead by politicians wholly owned by Big Abortion profiteers and ideologues. 

The army in the Old Testament story was filled with chariots. The chariot dominated the battlefield against foot-soldiers. Amassing chariots was almost a guarantee of victory. The “army” today controls global information platforms, wields political power, and has coffers filled with “blood” money.

Like the servant in the Old Testament story, we might also cry out, “’Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?’ the servant asked.” The answer given to him in the face of that army, is the answer we also know today.

“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet [Elisha] answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

This works on two levels for us today. While opposing big voices project their death-dealing message broad and wide, the reality is that there are more who are with us on this issue “than those who are with them.” As more technology brings more of the truth to light, more and more come to the knowledge that we can, and must, do better than abortion.

But the prophet’s words give us courage at an even greater level than earthly numbers. Those who are “with us” in champion the Gift of Life is none other than the Giver of Life!

So take heart because God is with us. When we are with God, we’ll always be more!