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Heartbeat International Affiliates: Join AAPLOG at No Charge!

aaplogThanks to the forward-thinking generosity of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), Heartbeat International affiliates can now access AAPLOG membership for the rest of 2015 at no cost.

The $75 value is free for Heartbeat International affiliates only, and it's just in time to take advantage of a printing discount for AAPLOG's new suite of brochures, which are geared to reach clients with information on pregnancy and the harmful effects of abortion.

Two members from each Heartbeat International affiliate can take advantage of the 2015 AAPLOG membership, which includes the following benefits:

  • Free listing in AAPLOG's public "Find a Physician" search
  • AAPLOG Membership certificate with annual renewal stickers, appropriate for framing and office display
  • Online CME credit for numerous important lectures
  • Speakers Bureau access, including PowerPoint presentations on various pro-life topics
  • Discounts on our Patient Educational Brochures
  • Free subscription to Issues in Law and Medicine
  • Email updates
  • Note: OB-GYNs who are members of AAPLOG are eligible to vote and serve on the AAPLOG Board of Directors.

To access your complimentary AAPLOG membership, click here and type "HEARTBEAT INTERNATIONAL" in the address field and select "Submit." Please do not submit payment if you are currently a Heartbeat International affiliate.

To find out more about ordering the brochures, including ordering free samples, click here. (Note: In order to keep your cost low, consider combining your order with a partner organization to take advantage of bulk pricing.)

See a sample of the flyers below:
