Servants of Excellence
“But not so with you, but let him who is the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as the servant.” Luke 22:26
“Leadership” is today’s burgeoning industry. Bookstores are filled with books on leadership, online classes populate the web, day-long leadership seminars abound and leadership coaches reach out to us, ready to provide assistance as we seek to be . . . leaders.
This isn’t wrong, in any sense. In fact, many Christians are leaders in this field because they first learned the importance of leadership from Jesus. They are successful because they teach what Jesus taught regarding leadership—and it works.
And, just like Jesus, they teach that anyone can be a leader, by following one simple rule: Leaders serve.
There it is. No challenging formulas, no fancy steps.
Yet, servanthood is the opposite of what so many believe leadership is about. Jesus dealt with this during The Last Supper, as the disciples—about the time Jesus was washing their feet—argued over who was the leader of the pack.
Jesus stopped the conversation in its tracks. He pointed out that in the world, those with titles and money were “leaders,” but in his kingdom things would be different.
“But not so with you, but let him who is the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader becomes the servant,” Jesus told them.
Then he asked, “For who is greater, the one who reclines at the table, or the one who serves?” Before anyone could answer (probably a good thing), Jesus continued. “Is it not the one who reclines at the table? But I am among you as the one who serves.”
It would be easy to end the entire leadership conversation with, “If you want to be a leader, go out there and serve.” And this is true. In Mark, (9:35), Jesus said as much: “If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all, and servant of all.”
But there might be something even more basic in what Jesus said at The Last Supper.
Perhaps, just perhaps, Jesus was asking his closest followers not to focus on leadership, but to instead live a life of service—regardless of whether one becomes a leader.
This world needs good servant-leaders, no doubt. But perhaps just as much, we need those who serve, those who wake up each day determined to do at least one act of service, for no other reason than this is what Jesus taught.
Today then, let’s find just one way to serve. Let’s build our lives so this is our habit, our way of life. Will we become leaders as a result? Maybe. Maybe not.
But one thing we’ll know for sure, we’ll become incredible servants. And maybe this is what Jesus wanted all along.
by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialist
And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end, that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
Hebrews 6: 11-12
All of us can run into those times when we are dragging in our faith; when we are trying but just can’t seem to bring vitality to the challenges we face each day. We are, as the writer of Hebrews notes above, sometimes “sluggish.”
Sluggishness may not necessarily be a sin, but when we get sluggish it certainly slows us down in our journey of faith. So how do we get going again and recapture the energy of a vibrant faith?
The answer is a simple one; we imitate those around us—or who walked before us—who are clearly winning the race of faith.
We can certainly try to imitate those in the Bible who won victories of faith and Scripture is a great place to start in our search for the spiritually strong.
Yet there are also those around us who are winning. These are people we need to stick close to, asking questions and watching for patterns of victory.
For me, it was a family at a school where I worked. Every one of their children was walking in faith, living a life of strong character and of integrity. I watched them at church. I asked them questions. And hopefully, I imitated. This was a vibrant family—I wanted to be like them and they made me better.
It was also a guy I watched regularly who had a quiet, yet strong confidence in God. His life is never rushed, just like Jesus. So I asked, “What are your habits? How do you balance work and family and everything else?” He talked, I listened.
Looking at my life I can find more and more people God placed in my path, whom I could imitate. This wasn’t about idolizing and I’ve never viewed these people as perfect, nor would they. But they were, and are, directional markers for me on a pathway to a stronger, vibrant faith.
The writer of Hebrews challenges us to find those around us whom we can imitate in some form or another, because God wants us to see examples of vibrancy, so that we are protected from sluggishness as we press on.
Who are your “Imitation-Worthy” acquaintances and friends? If we want to stay energized in our faith, let’s seek them out. It’s a great way to stay sharp and focused as we seek to change the world around us.
by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialist
by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialist
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Are you one of those who has a tendency to compare yourself to others? I can be. And my comparisons often show me coming up . . . short.
Others appear more engaging, more educated, more everything. They seem to have the very gifts I don’t possess.
The funny thing is, I may be exactly right. Not all of us are alike. God gives different gifts and talents to each of us and for His reasons only, some appear to have more than others.
The parable of the talents in Matthew 25 tells us of a master giving talents (a measure of money) to three servants. One received five talents, another two, and another, one. We know the story well.
The servant who received five talents made five more, and the servant who received just one talent hid his away and made nothing. The first servant was rewarded with greater authority. The third was cast aside for not using what he was given.
But what about the servant in the middle ... the one who received two talents? We see no record of him complaining about receiving just two talents, and there is nothing in the text about any grumbling over the difficulty in making more money with only two—while another was given five.
Instead, we see a servant who took no time to compare to another and instead went to work with what he had. In the end, he gained two more talents. Do you know what fascinates me about the master’s response? For both the servant who received two talents and the one who received five, the reward is the same.
Both servants are told, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.” (Mt. 25:21, 23)
I suspect many of us feel we are a little short of talents at times. And yet, the Lord is only asking us to take what we have and give our best. If we build on what we have, He receives joy--which He then invites us into.
So today, let’s all take heart. The joy of our master is not dependent on the number of talents we receive, but on how we use the ones we have.
“A servant leader is one who has a servant’s heart and mind, a servant’s values and attitudes, but a leader’s skill, a leader’s vision and ingenuity, and a leader’s creativity. A leader in its simplest definition has two primary ingredients. He is (1) influencing people (2) in a certain direction. That direction may be positive or negative.”
-Tim Hansel
About the Award Servant Leaders Awards are given to recognize special people who have given of themselves sacrificially in the service of Life, as both servants of others and leaders in their own right. The first awards were given to individuals and couples who were some of the “giants” in the first 25 years of Heartbeat’s history, when we were called AAI. Since we began awarding this honor in 1996, this list has grown to over 60 life-affirming individuals and couples, foot soldiers just like you, who have lovingly answered the call to hold each life precious. |
1996 | Esther Applegate | 2005 | Kelle Berry |
1996 | Alice and Dr. Frank Brown | 2005 | Vicky Botsford |
1996 | Dr. John Hillabrand, MD | 2005 | Susan Brown |
1996 | Alice Krycinski | 2005 | Father Frank Pavone |
1996 | Lore Maier | 2006 | Russ Amerling |
1996 | Anne and Jimmy Pierson | 2006 | Linda Augsperger |
1996 | Ursula and Ed Slaggert | 2006 | Beth Diemert |
1996 | Sister Paula Vandegaer | 2007 | Anne Foster |
1997 | Carol Aronis | 2007 | Sam and Gloria Lee |
1996 | Margaret Lee | 2007 | Dinah Monahan |
1998 | Rev. John Ensor | 2008 | Dr. Alveda King |
1998 | Dr. Pam Smith | 2008 | Pat Layton |
1999 | Molly Kelly | 2008 | Edward and Barbara Mwansa |
1999 | Pat Lassen | 2008 | Julie Parton, PhD |
1999 | Imre Teglasy | 2009 | Pauline and George Economen |
2000 | Jim Manning | 2009 | John Tabor |
2000 | Juergen Severloh | 2009 | Janet Trenda |
2000 | Julie Wilson | 2009 | Dr. Levon Yuille |
2000 | Curt Young | 2010 | Marianne Casagranda |
2001 | Sheila Boyle | 2010 | Sandy Epperson |
2001 | Kurt Dillinger | 2010 | Jorge Serrano |
2001 | Rev. Johnny and Pat Hunter | 2010 | Charles and Barbara Thomas |
2001 | Bethany Woodcock | 2011 | Lola French |
2002 | Dr. Elaine Eng | 2011 | Patricia Lindley |
2002 | Olusegun Famure | 2011 | Elaine Ham |
2002 | Tom Glessner, JD | 2011 | Cindi Boston |
2002 | Mike Hartshorn, JD | 2012 | George and Louise Eusterman |
2003 | Rev. David Bentley | 2012 | Jeannette Kuipoff |
2003 | Dr. Eric Keroack, MD | 2012 | Pat Sween |
2003 | Mary Suarez-Hamm | 2012 | Lily Perez |
2003 | Dr. John C. Wilke, MD | 2013 | Ann Carruth |
2004 | Kurt Entsminger, MD | 2013 | Becky Coggin Hyde |
2004 | Vivian Koob | 2013 | Beverly Kline |
2004 | Gail Schriener | 2013 | Amy Jones |