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Was it a Morning Like This?

by Beth Diemert, Director of Affiliate ServicesEasterMorningLikeThis
Heartbeat International

As Holy Week is here and Easter is fast approaching, it is a routine occurrence for me to anticipate an Easter celebration that is full of some of my favorite music. One of the songs that is always top of mind is Sandy Patty’s, Was It a Morning Like This? I know I am dating myself a bit, but it is a classic in my mind, as it depicts the scenes of resurrection morning and those who had a part in it. I love imagining those being played out and the raw emotion in it all.

“Was it a morning like this when Mary walked down from Jerusalem? And two angels stood at the tomb. Bearers of news she would hear soon.”

Those scenarios, of course, take a look back, to that glorious morning that changed everything. But this Easter season, my mind is drawn forward to the idea that all of those thousands of years ago, our heavenly Father knew what a “morning like this” would look like in 2023.

“Did the grass sing? Did the earth rejoice to feel You again?

As those who work in pregnancy help, our mornings are currently laced with the reality of a post-Roe America. Chemical abortion, angry legislators, big Abortion, determined politicians, big Pharma, censorship, false rhetoric, big Tech, vandalism, and money that follows an agenda. A lot of money.

And in the mix of all that, we as believers, called to a holy mission, consecrate ourselves, and work to be the gospel to those who are in need, in a valley of decision, desperate for truth, real help, and much love. 

So…let’s start here. That gospel, originated in the Easter story, is as relevant on a morning in 2023 as it was that first morning in Jerusalem. To deliver the hope of the world, to the ones who think they have no hope. No choice. No future.

Over and over like a trumpet underground did the earth seem to pound "He is risen!"

Jesus knew false accusations. Jesus knew persecution.  Jesus knew violation and suffering. And yet, Jesus chose to lay down his life in the greatest sacrifice of all time to bring us everlasting life. Those of us in the life movement should be beholden this Easter season, to revisit the Easter story with intentionality, and glean its power and example, to empower us, in continuing to share, and be, the gospel, in everything we say and do.

Luke 23 teaches us much to this end, but three things I want to specifically draw our attention toward:

  1. Verses 28-30 – “But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. For indeed the days are coming in which they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, wombs that never bore, and breasts that never nursed!'”

Jesus was referring to what he knew was to come in the destruction they would see in Jerusalem, which would surely affect them and their next generation of children. But how interesting that Jesus would emphasize that weeping should not be for him, but for themselves, particularly using the issue of motherhood at this unprecedented time, speaking to what should be the greatest joy of motherhood becoming a great misery.

Fast forward to 2023, and where are we with this direction from Christ?  Could we ever have imagined the calamity that would come upon motherhood and do we realize this is the issue that Christ called out on his way to the cross, telling the women not to weep not for him, but for themselves, his heart breaking in anticipation of future horrific tragedy?

  1. Verse 34 -The next words Jesus uttered were to ask the Father to forgive those who were mocking him, blaspheming him. “Father forgive them for they do not know what they do.” Jesus did not fight back, retaliate. His heart was for the forgiveness of those who were committing horrendous acts against Him. Their need, their deception. On a morning in 2023, do we do the same?
  1. Verse 43 -The last thing Christ said before he committed his spirit to the Father, was a promise of assurance that the thief hanging next to him, the one who realized truth and knew what Jesus was bringing, asked to be remembered in the kingdom, and Jesus replied, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” No further requirements, no questions, no judgment. In 2023, do we freely extend the gospel in the same way?”

“Over and over in a never-ending round "He is risen!"

Daily in the morning, the Heartbeat team meets to pray as pregnancy help organizations are opening in times zones that span the world. We often pray that you all will experience mornings full of connection, empowerment, truth to be shared, and love to be lavished. We pray that your clients & residents will have a life-changing day. 

This Easter week as we devote ourselves to prayer, we rejoice!  For every morning (in 2023 and beyond) we have more than we need.  “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on us, because the Lord has anointed us to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent us to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners…(Isaiah 61:1) The Spirit of the Living God lives with us.

On a morning like this…like a trumpet underground did the earth seem to pound "He is risen!" He is risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

From all of us at Heartbeat, Blessed Easter! He has risen, he has risen indeed!