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What to Do if Your Center is Vandalized

While attacks on pregnancy help organizations have slowed significantly since the Dobbs decision, anniversaries (like June 24 for the Dobbs decision), holidays (particularly long weekends), and various news events can easily reignite ire from abortion advocates. 

According to a 2022 survey, 1 in 6 PHOs experienced targeted harassment ranging from fake online reviews to vandalism, including destruction of property in May or June of 2022.

Heartbeat has created a growing resource that goes over many practical steps that you can take to protect your center, its personnel, and its clients, which you can find here. But what if you arrive at your center to find it vandalized?

  1. Ensure your immediate safety. If there appears to be any suspicious or dangerous activity presently occurring, alert those who are expected to arrive at your center in the coming hours and encourage them to await further instruction. We would not recommend that you attempt to engage with vandals or arsonists (or worse). Instead, call 911.
  2. For non-emergent scenarios contact your local police through its non-emergency number. Explain what you see, and request that an officer come out to make a police report. This is very important for recovering funds from insurance, encouraging the police to increase its presence near your center, and, potentially in a case against the perpetrators. Threats of violence or vandalism of a PHO can be submitted through the FBI Tip Line at Sometimes, this prompts a faster response than a local Police Department can or would provide. The FBI is taking this very seriously and has an open investigation on Jane's Revenge.
  3. Alert your Board. Your board is part of your team, so be certain that they are in the know and a part of your plan.
  4. Preserve the Evidence. As far as possible, do not touch or move anything at the scene. Preserve the evidence exactly as you found it.
  5. Document the Damage. Take pictures of the damage. If there are any written messages in the vandalism, be sure to take pictures that ensure that the messages can be read clearly. Write down as many details as you know or can remember about the potential timing of the attack, when you arrived at the center, what you saw, who you called, what you told them. If you have security cameras (you should!), obtain whatever footage you can obtain. The police may take your pictures, notes, and security footage, but be sure to keep a copy of everything. Document the name and badge number of the officer(s) you work with (if it is not on the police report).
  6. Contact Heartbeat. There may be certain legal remedies available to a center that is persecuted by these activities. If a connection can be drawn between the vandalism or arson of a number of different centers, that may open up even more legal options. We are better together – even in Court! You can contact us by emailing Beth Diemert, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and please CC This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

These are troubling times, and it is natural to feel intimidated or nervous. “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3. As you walk compassionately with women, offering them help and hope, “be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6.

Heartbeat is here for you. We are inspired by you. We are fighting alongside you. And we are praying for you.