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You Make a Difference for the Unborn

by Cindi Boston, Heartbeat Vice Presidentlightstock 77252 xsmall lauren bell

You hear the cries of the voiceless. The cries of those whose heart is beating, but whose voice may never be heard. You hear it day in and day out. You know that nearly a million unborn babies cry for help each year in the United States. (I can’t fathom that number, can you?) Choice has brought us to the place of a blood sacrifice, the sacrifice of our children, and you are steeped in this spiritual, not merely political, issue every day.

Thank you.

The hurting women who feel as if a pregnancy will ruin them are coming to you. They are desperate for help because an unplanned pregnancy is one of the things that creates a barrier between her and her loved ones that she usually depends on for support. Regret, shame, and fear are just a few of the barriers she faces.

The barriers you help her knock down.

The pregnancy help movement stands ready to intervene on behalf of each woman and child because of your commitment and compassion. Once a woman enters a pregnancy center, she becomes more likely by the moment to be one of women considering abortion who will carry her baby to term and make a parenting or adoption plan because you are there to help her.

I directed a life-changing pregnancy center in Missouri, and volunteers were a crucial part of the small, but mighty, gospel-centered mission we followed. The volunteers and staff at these organizations are creating a safe space for women to face their challenges and build a better life.

It’s your wisdom, knowledge, and ministry experience that is the lifeblood of this movement saving lives every day. You are the footsoldiers in an army of volunteers armed with love whether you’re answering calls on a helpline, mentoring women one-on-one, teaching classes, sorting donations, or data entry.

You hear the cries of the unborn. You spend your time caring for hurting women, children and families. Thank you for the life-saving work you do. And if you ever need a reminder about why what you’re doing is worth it, read this one more time, and check out the stories of the women who are thankful for you at