Displaying items by tag: European Summit
A European Family Reunion
by Ellen Foell, International Program Specialist
There are so many reasons people attend the European Pregnancy Help Leaders (EPHL) Summit. There are, of course, inspiring keynotes and relevant workshops. This year, attendees heard keynotes from Jor-El Godsey and Guillermo Morales Sancho, from Alliance Defending Freedom International, and nine workshops covering issues such as mega tech’s shadow banning, metrics, and how to track them simply, efficiently, and effectively, as well as updates on European Union laws and cases, fundraising and mission drift. That wasn’t all, but hopefully, that whets your appetite to attend the next Summit which will be in 2026.
Aside from that, the EPHL Summit is always held in a beautiful world-class city. From Bratislava (2014) to Venice (2016), Belgrade (2018) to Bucharest (2022), and this year to Budapest (2024) participants have the opportunity to see something in the city. This year, we also had the honor of being received in the Hungarian Parliament by the Vice President of Hungary. Hungary declares itself to be pro-family and pro-life, and this is evident—even at the airport!
One can’t forget to mention the food. A fun part of attending these Summits is the opportunity to taste local cuisine, served at the hotel and in neighboring restaurants.
Networking & Fellowship
Have you ever wondered how other centers do "x" or "y" [insert frustration of the day]? Are we the only ones that do things this way? Are we the only center that struggles with this? One of the reasons people love the Summit is that they have a chance to talk to other center leaders and volunteers. They talk about mutual challenges and difficulties to figure out solutions that might work. Further, we often have a chance to visit a local pregnancy help center. It is fun to see how other centers are set up.
Speaking of fun…you should hear the volume level in the lobby as people greet one another and excitedly hug when they see each other after two years of not seeing one another.
But, what's the best reason to attend the EPHL Summit? Well, there are actually 60 reasons: the people who come. There is nothing quite like seeing people who already connect on a professional level, also connect on a personal and friend level. The fellowship of people who see one another only once every two years—but every two years—is sweet. Repeat attendees enjoy seeing one another and make sure newcomers are warmly welcomed.
The pregnancy help community is a family. We need one another and we help one another. We spur one another to greater love and good works (Hebrews 10:24-25), we encourage and build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11), we carry each other's burdens (Galatians 6:2), we are kind and compassionate to one another (Ephesians 4:32), we sharpen one another as iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17), and we accept one another and encourage one another with the same mind in Christ (Romans 15:5). We remind one another of the “why” behind the work we do.
Family reunions—there's nothing quite like them. We are grateful for the privilege of hosting this family reunion every two years in Europe. Thank you to all who attended and we hope to see you in 2026! We value your input, so please fill out the short evaluation linked here. Also, make sure you're subscribed to our eNewsletter, Heartbeat Around the World*, for an announcement about our next Summit. You don't want to miss it!
*To make sure you're subscribed, log in to your Dashboard, and scroll down to "Your Newsletter Group(s)." Your subscriptions are listed in that section. To add Heartbeat Around the World, click on "Join A Group" and select "Heartbeat Around the World."
2024 Pregnancy Help Leaders European Summit
Watch the video below for a special thank you for helping to make our 2024 Pregnancy Help Leaders European Summit possible!
Advancing the Pregnancy Help Movement Around the World!
Today, thousands of workers across the globe work tirelessly to save abortion-vulnerable lives in their communities. These frontline lifesavers operate Heartbeat's thousands of pregnancy help locations reaching and rescuing women and their precious babies from abortion.
When you support Heartbeat International you are providing valuable tools, training, and support to these lifesavers all around the world. In turn, YOU—yes, YOU—can save a life today.
The reality is that while the U.S. is responsible for nearly 1M abortions each year, we still account for just 2% of all abortions worldwide. That is why Heartbeat is the most expansive network of pregnancy help organizations in the world - to provide pregnancy help in all areas of great need!
We are now present on all six inhabited continents, including in cultures that do not readily welcome new life based on gender, class, race, or government-mandated laws. We value our international affiliates and partners and realize they face some of the most daunting challenges in the war against abortion today.
With your help, we will reach even more nations with the gospel of life. We will save innocent lives in places where children are not valued and life is not respected. Thank you for doing all you can to make this possible today!
International News
2024 European Pregnancy Help Leaders Summit
Heartbeat International invites you to the long-awaited and much-anticipated European Pregnancy Help Leaders Summit.
You are invited to Budapest, Hungary, September 19-21, 2024 for in-person networking, training, learning, and encouragement with like-minded leaders from the pregnancy help movement across Europe.
2024 European Pregnancy Help Leaders Summit
- When: September 19-21, 2024
- Where: K+K Hotel Opera in Budapest, Hungary
- Affiliate Cost: FREE for two individuals from any Heartbeat-affiliated organization (Not affiliated yet? Click here!)
- Cost for Summit:
- Affiliate Double Occupancy - € 0.00: Only two complimentary registrations per organization.
- Non-Affiliate/Extra Team Members - Double Occupancy - € 335.00:Includes registration and accommodations.
- Affiliate Double Occupancy - € 0.00: Only two complimentary registrations per organization.
Heartbeat offers registration and accommodations (including breakfast and hotel meals) for two persons per affiliated organization.
(This offer has limited availability and registration will be first come, first served.) We look forward to hosting you.
Affiliate registration includes:
- 2 nights stay in a double-occupancy room
- Breakfast
- Lunch on Friday and Saturday
- Dinner Thursday Night
How to register your two leaders for free:
The Summit registration is FREE for two team members of a Heartbeat-affiliated organization. When you are filling out the registration form, at the bottom of the form, click on Affiliate Double Occupancy and the cost reflected underneath should be 0.00. Then you register your second participant. Before you hit submit, double-check to ensure the total price is still 0.00. Your credit card will not be charged, so long as you click on "Affiliate Double Occupancy" (see screenshot below).

If you want to register more than two people from your organization, it will be at your expense, and you will need to fill out a new form to register the appropriate information. Then, click on single or double occupancy. The cost reflected is per person.
Contact Ellen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you run into any technical difficulties.