Heartbeat International & CompassCare, et al. v. Letitia James

Heartbeat International, in conjunction with a collective of pregnancy help organizations, has taken legal action against the Office of New York Attorney General Letitia James for egregious violations of fundamental rights, including freedom of speech, free exercise of religion, equal protection under the law, and civil rights violations. The lawsuit, with legal representation provided by the Thomas More Society, comes in response to the unjust targeting of not-for-profit life-affirming pregnancy help organizations by the Attorney General's office, which has sought to silence their life-saving message and deny women access to crucial information and support during unplanned pregnancies.

The lawsuit challenges the discriminatory practices of the Attorney General's office, which have unfairly singled out pregnancy help organizations solely because they offer alternatives to abortion. These organizations, represented pro bono by the Thomas More Society, play a vital role in providing support and information to women facing unplanned pregnancies, ensuring they have access to all available options and empowering them to make informed choices about their futures. Our lawsuit challenges the Attorney General's office's pattern of discrimination against pregnancy help organizations and seeks to uphold the rights of women to receive comprehensive information and support during unplanned pregnancies. We stand firm in our commitment to providing compassionate care and empowering women to make choices that align with their values and beliefs.

Even in the midst of the attack, our focus remains: women, like Cassidy, deserve the right to try to save their pregnancies. No woman should ever be forced to complete an abortion she no longer wants. APR remains a safe and effective option, supported by scientific evidence and the lived experiences of women who, after initiating a chemical abortion, successfully reversed it and now cradle their babies in their arms.

To put it plainly: It is time to stop politicizing a woman’s right to continue her pregnancy. 

button lives saved through the abortion pill rescue network


  • April 22, 2024: New York Attorney General Letitia James sends Notice of Intent to sue to at least 12 pregnancy help organizations and Heartbeat International in regard to providing information about Abortion Pill Reversal
  • April 30, 2024: Thomas More Society filed a complaint on behalf of Heartbeat International and the Pregnancy Help collective
  • May 1, 2024: Emergency Injunction Filed Against NY Attorney General to Halt Threatened Prosecution of Pregnancy Help Organizations
  • May 6, 2024: Attorney General James Sues Heartbeat International and 11 New York Pregnancy Centers for Promoting Abortion Pill Reversal Treatment


Press Releases

Latest News regarding the lawsuit

If you feel so called, you can stand with us as we continue to push back against pro-abortion lies against the good work of pregnancy help.
We know this will be a long battle, and we also have faith in the victory!
