2024 Conference Recordings

Recordings from our 2024 Conference available now! Once purchased, each recording can be accessed through our Academy and offers Life Affirming Specialist credit. Workshops may be downloaded as an MP4 video file.

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The Power of a Family Planning Decision Tool

Presented by Katie Vidmar
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.00 contact hour.


The Science and Studies of Mifepristone Reversal

Presented by Dr. George Delgado
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.00 contact hour.


The Use, Evaluations, & Applications of the Sexual Risk Avoidance Approach

Presented by Nicole Horstman, Pregnancy Resource Center of Grand Rapids


The Word of Life

Presented by Ellen Foell


There for Her: Post-Adoption Support

Presented by Heather Featherston, A Lifetime Adoption, Vice President


Unity Requires Healthy Culture

Presented by Carolyn Doyle, Life Matters Worldwide


Virtual First: Bridging Gaps, Saving Lives

Presented by Rachel Lane, Human Coalition and Stephanie Turner, Health for Her


Welcoming Him: A Team Effort

Presented by Alexander Hettinga, Care Net, Fatherhood and Family Program Manager


When Your Back is Against the Wall

Presented by Kirk Walden, Flipping Faith
