2024 Conference Recordings

Recordings from our 2024 Conference available now! Once purchased, each recording can be accessed through our Academy and offers Life Affirming Specialist credit. Workshops may be downloaded as an MP4 video file.

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Crossing the Border and Choosing Life

Presented by Tammy De Armas, Jeanne Pernia, Passionlife.org


Cultivating Cheerful Givers

Presented by Haley Limo, Least of These Philanthropy


Cultural Barriers in Adoption

Presented by Carrie Murray Nellis and Myrlene Mondesir


Documenting What You Do

Presented by Grace Weaver


Don't Forget About the Dads

Presented by Britt Paladino and Carrie Murray Nellis


Essential Pathologies for the Limited Obstetric Imager

Presented by Tammy Stearns, Heartbeat International
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.00 contact hour.


Expanding Volunteer and Community Engagement

Presented by Megan Matthews, Hope Resource Center


Father Friendly

Presented by Glendie Loranger, Executive Director, Life Services Of Spokane


Fundraising According to Your Working Genius

Presented by Bryan Gonzalez, InnerVisions HealthCare


Fundraising Across Generations

Presented by Crystal Hoag and Kenna Bridges
