2024 Conference Recordings

Recordings from our 2024 Conference available now! Once purchased, each recording can be accessed through our Academy and offers Life Affirming Specialist credit. Workshops may be downloaded as an MP4 video file.

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Involving Gen-Z in Your Mission

Presented by Madison Hull, FundEasy, Marketing Specialist


Is There Room for GenZ at the Table?

Presented by Michelle Deavenport and Summer Calhoun


It's Built. Why Aren't They Coming?

Presented by Greg Mayo and Amanda Hoff, Support After Abortion


Journey to Joy

Presented by Melissa Heiland, Beautiful Feet International


Leading Like David in Goliath's World

Presented by Kristi Brown, Mountain Area Pregnancy Services


Leading Through Change 2024

Presented by: Aimee Huber, First Choice Women's Resource Centers


Legally Protecting Your Pregnancy Center

Presented by Marcus Harris, Alliance Defending Freedom


Life After Grace

Presented by Lisa Holmes, Foundation House


Life-Giving Leadership; Building a Positive Culture!

Presented by Marsha Middleton and Laura Fogle


Loving the Broken and Grieving

Presented by Janet Caldon, Care Net of Puget Sound


Make Them Look!

Presented by Heather Lawless, Reliance Ministries
