2024 Conference Recordings

Recordings from our 2024 Conference available now! Once purchased, each recording can be accessed through our Academy and offers Life Affirming Specialist credit. Workshops may be downloaded as an MP4 video file.

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Mental Health in the Maternity Homes

Presented by Peggy Kerwin and Michelle Ault, Solve Maternity Homes


Mobile Clinic Strategy

Presented by Jason Welty


Mobilize the Church to Move the Mission Forward

Presented by Luke Rosenberger and Andrew Hopper


Moving Any Conversation to Financial Ask

Presented by Mike Williams, BanquetMoney.com


Moving From Pitiful to Powerful Prayers

Presented by Gordon Douglas, Ambassador Speakers Bureau


Navigating HR Activities in Your Maternity Home

Presented by Betsy Wetherby, Heartbeat International


Never Be Offended by God

Presented by Brenda Saltzer


New Director, Who Dis

Presented by Savannah Marten, Bella Vita Network


Powerful Practices to Double Abortion-Minded Appointments

Presented by Benjamin Kraft, Life Advancement Group and Erika Hale, Rachel’s Vineyard Detroit


Prenatal Care: Valuing Continuity of Care

Presented by Erica Millar
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.00 contact hour.


Prenatal Diagnosis and NICU Trauma: Educating the Medical Community About It's Real Effects in the Family

Presented by Heidi Martin and Tracy Winsor
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.00 contact hour.
