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Sexual Exploitation is Fueling Abortion!

Freeing women from sexual exploitation is essential in stopping abortions. This workshop will show how to create an outreach for women trapped in the devastating cycle of sexual exploitation. Presented by: Karla Sutter


Solution-Focused Therapy

1 hr recorded webinar presented by Valerie Humes, Housing Specialist at Heartbeat International



Starting a Housing Ministry

Intended for those in the dreaming or start-up phase, this workshop will provide foundational information related to key decision points in both the administrative and programmatic dimensions of operating a maternity home.

Presented by Mary Peterson


Starting a Maternity Home 101

1 hour recorded webinar. 



Succession Planning in Maternity Housing Organizations

Because of the deeply relational aspect of maternity housing work, leadership transition is critically important. Having a plan guiding the transition helps reduce the stress and uncertainty which accompany a transition for the executive role as well as other essential staff roles. Presented by: Peggy Forrest


Surviving Christmas: Healing Resident Trauma during the Holidays

1 hr webinar presented by Suzanne Burns and Lisa Holmes




Thrift Stores 101

This training offers two hours of credit toward the Life Affirming Specialist designation.


Trauma-Informed Care

1 hr webinar presented by Valerie Harkins


When They Are No Longer Under Your Roof: Phase 2 Housing

This training includes a brief presentation outlining the types of support that housing programs are offering for women as an ongoing and transitional extension of their work. In addition, the webinar will include time for dialogue on types of initiatives that programs have used to maintain relationship with women after they have left the home.


When They Are No Longer Under Your Roof: Phase 2 Housing

This training includes a brief presentation outlining the types of support that housing programs are offering for women as an ongoing and transitional extension of their work. In addition, the webinar will include time for dialogue on types of initiatives that programs have used to maintain relationship with women after they have left the home.
