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Staying Sane as Summer Ends

by Andrea Trudden, Heartbeat International Director of CommunicationsHowListening

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love August. Back to school, gearing up for autumn events, cooler weather, and everything to do with it, and did you know it's officially "Family Fun Month"? BUT… it takes me time to get back into the groove. And this can sometimes make me feel very overwhelmed and guilty. Guilty I am not as efficient as I could be. Frustrated that everything is not falling into perfection. And simply tired from all the running around.

This is the time of year that all of my three minions have activities. So, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, we have soccer; Tuesdays and Saturdays, we have softball; and Thursdays, we have gymnastics. Sundays are for Church and family. Then, of course, we have the start of school and spouse time that need to be placed in here as well. Not to mention, time for me to just be with God.

I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but WOW! The running around really catches up to you!!! I actually think I forgot was exhaustion felt like, but the last couple of weeks has definitely reminded me.

So last week, I took our household’s resting time (1:30-3:00-ish and after 8:00 pm) and made a point to do nothing. I recognized that I needed to reset or else I would become cranky and nearly useless.

The importance of personal time is so imperative, and yet it always seems to be the first thing cut from the list. Why is that? Well, it’s because we are Christians.

Women are created to be nurturers, so when there is a need for our family, we fill that need. It is our vocation gifted by God.

We naturally put our sanity aside to keep the others sane.

The good news is that the joy that our little ones have in doing the things they love actually help fulfill our hearts as well. This helps for a little bit, but at a point, you just need to take a guilt-free break before you break!

The problem for me is falling into old habits. I am very much a go-go-go person and I have created three on-the-go minions, so remembering to take quiet time does not come naturally. I go until I can’t go anymore and then I need a reset.

So, basically, this is my reminder to all. TAKE PERSONAL TIME & STAY SANE.

Once I regain sanity, I remember all my tricks and enjoy each moment more.

Whatever season you are in right now, whether you're a parent of young kids, making sure other's children have a chance to be born, or taking care of friends and family, you'll serve others better and be more joyful yourself if you take the time you need to stay sane yourself.

Key takeaways for you:

  • Always find some quiet time;
  • Planning ahead helps the days run smoothly;
  • This is a season in life and it too shall pass {far too quickly}.