Finding and Fostering Major Gifts is a six-week crash course on how to raise major gifts from supporters in your database. In this course, you will learn how to set up a successful development shop, find supporters who are major givers and learn to grow those relationships to ask for major gifts. This class will have a weekly live session, as well as reading and homework assignments with the oversight of your instructor, Haley Limo. Each week you will come together in the live class to discuss your reading assignments, go over your homework assignments and learn important skills to grow your development shop. Through this class you will:
Training Requirements:
Your instructor for this live class is Heartbeat Academy Faculty member Haley Limo. Haley is the Founder and President of Least of These Philanthropy (LOT), a boutique fundraising consulting firm. With a background in major gifts development, Haley's desire is to help teach the art of relational fundraising to Christian nonprofits. As the former CEO of a medical pregnancy center, pregnancy help organizations hold a special place in her heart.
Have you ever been asked the question "What does it really mean to be pro-life?" How did you respond?
Join Sarah Bowen, author of Courageously Pro-Life and Director of Promise of Life Network, for a 12-week course, starting May 12, that will walk staff and volunteers through what it means to be pro-life. This training will not only cover the sanctity of human life from multiple perspectives using history and scripture but will equip staff and volunteers with practical knowledge of how this information applies to their work in a pregnancy help organization. You may learn things about the history of euthanasia, eugenics, and abortion that you never knew before.
Participants of the course will be asked to complete a weekly reading assignment from Courageously Pro-Life and view a weekly video lesson (30 minutes), as well as complete additional reading, and an online homework activity, and participate in a weekly online discussion forum. You will have the opportunity to check-in live with the instructor during the course, please mark your calendar for 5/12, 6/15, 7/23.
What others are saying:
"There was so much research involved with writing this course, that it surprised me with a perspective at times that I had not heard before, and there are facts and history that I was not familiar with. I learned from the course and recommend it to other pregnancy centers - especially for newer staff."
"I absolutely loved gaining new info on the history of abortion/eugenics/euthanasia, and I think this is important for everyone regardless of how long they have been in pro-life work."
"I feel I have a better idea how to discuss Pro-Life issues with others and churches...Through this training I believe I am more knowledgeable to be able to speak to more people, I am so glad I took this class."
The next class begins May 12
*Participation in the live call for discussion is not required, but strongly encouraged.
"I had no idea what to expect. I have never taken a course online before and from the experience of this one, would definitely do it again... It was wonderful to share with so many like-minded individuals who live their faith each day and see God's hand at work. I was uplifted by this experience."
- ConCERT Graduate
ConCERT is an advanced, eight-week distance learning course created by Heartbeat International. ConCERT is appropriate for any individual currently involved in a pregnancy help ministry who wants to gain confidence and take their current skills and knowledge to an even higher level. The next session of ConCERT will cover consulting considerations, fertility, conception, fetal development, sexual integrity, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, abortion risks, and much more. By the end of this training, you will earn enough CEUs to apply for or renew your Life Affirming Specialist Designation.
To participate, you must meet the following requirements:
Please note, participants of this training will be able to communicate with the instructors via e-mail and phone. A downloadable student manual is also provided to help students prepare for assessments.
Next Session: The next session of ConCERT Fall 2025, registration will open in July 2025.